Name: Mattie
What is your earliest Orlando memory? :
Now I am coming of age where you forget how old you are, all I am going to say it was the Early 1990s. We had not long been to Disneyland Paris for its opening year (which was my first Disney Park experience) before we headed out to give you an idea! I would probably say my most memorable experience as a child is being gifted by my parents a 3ft Mickey Mouse puppet/plush from Disney’s Hollywood Studio’s (then MGM Studios). I took it everywhere on holiday and would entertain other guests by putting on puppet shows in the queues. I still have the puppet/plush in mint condition at home.
What do you love most about Orlando :
Every visit is different. I have not had one Orlando holiday experience be the same. This is what keeps me coming back. I have not had one bad Orlando Holiday.
What is your most magical Orlando memory? :
Probably when I proposed in Cinderella’s Royal Table back in 2013. Always the showman I was in my element, I presented the ring in a glass slipper engraved with our names on a bed of roses with the Disney Princesses coming over to celebrate with us. My partner on the other wanted to sink into a hole. It was so magical!
When is your next Orlando trip and what are you doing? :
I am very lucky to have been already this year, but will be returning late August staying in a Villa. We will also be doing Discovery Cove, Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party & Halloween Horror Nights. This is more of an ‘offsite stay’. I have not had an ‘offsite’ stay since 2012 as I prefer to be in the heart of everything. I then have a Transatlantic Disney Cruise in September! Don’t worry though, I will be sharing ALL these trips on this page.
What is your DREAM Orlando Holiday? :
Every holiday I have had to Orlando has been a dream come true. I just look forward to the next.
What do you love most about working at Ever After Holidays? :
Every day is different, every customer is different and every holiday is different. I am also on first name terms with a lot of clients, which is lovely. Whenever they call its like speaking to a friend, having a chat all things Disney! I wouldn’t change it for the world.
What do you love most about booking customers holidays? :
I love finding out more about the customer and their needs to tailor a holiday that is right for them. Its especially magical when you get tears of joy from customers that you have helped make their dream holiday a reality.
Finally, tell us something we might not know about you! :
I set the business up in my bedroom, and in 6 years we have grown into the company you see today with a small team of 8, a beautiful dream lounge to work in and sprinkling our magic on more customers year on year. I pinch myself every day, but last year I had the icing on the cake. I was invited on the Inaugural sailing of the Disney Wish before its maiden voyage , I was in awe meeting various Disney Legends randomly around the ship, I also got to see one of my Disney idols, Jodie Benson.
I do also have an Instagram, where I share my travel life, please feel free to follow @mattiehappilyeverafter
If you would like to book a holiday with me, please call 0800 3277108 during opening hours. I am sure I can find you a holiday that is practically perfect in every way!